//-------------参数配置---begin----------- // 接口 var context = context ? context : "/sipspf"; var searchUrl = context + "/web/pub/hall/search"; var detailUrl = context + "/web/pub/hall/yewu"; var winUrl = context + "/web/pub/hall/window"; var allWinUrl = context + "/web/pub/hall/windows"; // home test //var context = "/sipspf_test"; //var searchUrl = context + "/jsp/dating/search.jsp"; //var detailUrl = context + "/jsp/dating/ywdetail.jsp"; //var winUrl = context + "/jsp/dating/windetail.jsp"; //var allWinUrl = context + "/jsp/dating/win.jsp"; // 搜索结果刷新间隔 var interval = 60000; // 放大/缩小倍率 var rate = 1.6; var levelConfig = { 0 : { "row" : 8, "col" : 1, "width" : 999, "height" : 118, "minRate" : 0, "maxRate" : 0, "mapbase" : context + "/jsp/dating/resources/images/maps0/" }, 1 : { "row" : 1, "col" : 1, "width" : 3040, "height" : 2900, "minRate" : -2, "maxRate" : 0, "mapbase" : context + "/jsp/dating/resources/images/maps1/" }, 2 : { "row" : 1, "col" : 1, "width" : 3040, "height" : 2900, "minRate" : -2, "maxRate" : 0, "mapbase" : context + "/jsp/dating/resources/images/maps2/" }, 3 : { "row" : 2, "col" : 1, "width" : 999, "height" : 470, "minRate" : 0, "maxRate" : 0, "mapbase" : context + "/jsp/dating/resources/images/maps3/" } } //-------------参数配置---end----------- //-------------全局变量---begin--------- //当前楼层, 0, 1, 2 var level = 0; //当前缩放等级: >0 放大, <0 缩小, =0 原始比率 var zoomRate = 0; // 是否显示办事窗口提示信息 var bShowWinBox = false; // 拖拽停止后300毫秒可点击 var dragstoptime = 300; var canClick = true; var searchword = "all"; var timer; //-------------全局变量---end----------- //-------------初始化-------begin------- //初始化窗口数据 var wins; function initAllWin() { $.post(allWinUrl, function(data) { if (data.result == 1) { wins = data.bean; } else { alert(data.description); } }, "json"); } //初始化地图图片 function initMap(l, callback) { zoomRate = 0; l = l == undefined ? 0 : l; // if ($("div.map img").length != 0) // cacheMap(level); // if ($("div.cache div.mapcache[name=level" + l + "]").length == 0) { // loadMap(l, callback); // } else { // loadMap(l, callback); // } // level = l; loadMap2(l, callback); if (levelConfig[l].minRate == levelConfig[l].maxRate) $("div.actions div.zoomIn, div.actions div.zoomOut").hide(); else $("div.actions div.zoomIn, div.actions div.zoomOut").show(); } function cacheMap(level) { if ($("div.cache div.mapcache[name=level" + level + "]").length == 0) $("div.cache").append("
"); $("div.map img.map").appendTo("div.cache div.mapcache[name=level" + level + "]"); } function loadCache(level) { $("div.cache div.mapcache[name=level" + level + "] img").appendTo("div.map"); if (callback && $.isFunction(callback)) callback(); } function loadMap2(l, callback) { $(".navs a[title=" + l + "]").addClass("hover").siblings().removeClass("hover"); rows = levelConfig[l].row; cols = levelConfig[l].col; var width = levelConfig[l].width; var height = levelConfig[l].height; var maxRate = levelConfig[l].maxRate; var minRate = levelConfig[l].minRate; var mapbase = levelConfig[l].mapbase; // if (maxRate == minRate) // $("div.zoomIn, div.zoomOut").hide(); // else // $("div.zoomIn, div.zoomOut").show(); hideWins(); hideWinBox(); if (l != level) { $("div.cache div.mapcache[name=level" + level + "]").append($("div.map img")); $("div.map").append($("div.cache div.mapcache[name=level" + l + "] img")); level = l; } if ($("div.map img").length == 0) { $("div.map").append($("div.cache div.mapcache[name=level0] img")); } var index = 0; $("div.map img").each(function(n){ $(this).css({ "top" : height * (n / cols), "left" : width * (n % cols), "height" : height, "width" : width }); /* if (init) { $(this).load(function(){ index++; if (index == rows * cols && callback && $.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } }); } */ }); if (callback && $.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } // var index = 0; // for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { // for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { // $("").load(function() { // var rowcol = $(this).attr("id").split("_"); // $(this).css({ // top : $(this).height() * rowcol[1], // left : $(this).width() * rowcol[2] // }); // index++; // if (index == rows * cols // && callback && $.isFunction(callback)) { // callback(); // } // }).attr({ // "id" : "map_" + i + "_" + j, // "src" : mapbase + "map_" + i + "_" + j + ".jpg", // "class" : "map", // "width" : width, // "height" : height, // "hidefocus" : true // }).appendTo($("div.map")); // } // } } function loadMap(level, callback) { $(".navs a[title=" + level + "]").addClass("hover").siblings().removeClass("hover"); rows = levelConfig[level].row; cols = levelConfig[level].col; var width = levelConfig[level].width; var height = levelConfig[level].height; var maxRate = levelConfig[level].maxRate; var minRate = levelConfig[level].minRate; var mapbase = levelConfig[level].mapbase; // if (maxRate == minRate) // $("div.zoomIn, div.zoomOut").hide(); // else // $("div.zoomIn, div.zoomOut").show(); $("div.map img").remove(); hideWins(); hideWinBox(); var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { $("").load(function() { var rowcol = $(this).attr("alt").split("_"); $(this).css({ top : $(this).height() * rowcol[1], left : $(this).width() * rowcol[2] }); index++; if (index == rows * cols && callback && $.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } }).attr({ "alt" : "map_" + i + "_" + j, "src" : mapbase + "map_" + i + "_" + j + ".jpg", "class" : "map", "width" : width, "height" : height, "hidefocus" : true, "usemap" : "#mm_" + i + "_" + j }).appendTo($("div.map")); } } } //-------------初始化数据---end--------- function changeLevel(n) { canClick = true; initMap(n, function() { zoomInMax(0, 0, function(){ flashMapXY("center", "bottom", true, function(){ switch (n) { case 0: case "0": showInfo("help"); bindLevel(); break; case 3: case "3": searchFor("all"); bindLevel(); break; default: searchFor("all"); } }); }); }); } // 示意图窗口底部中央显示提示信息 function showMsg(msg) { var showMapWidth = $(".dating").width() / 2; if (!$(".detail").is(":hidden")) showMapWidth -= $(".detail").width() / 2; var bottom = $(".footer").height() + 12; var left = $(".dating").offset().left + showMapWidth - $("div.msg").width() / 2; $("div.msg").text(msg).css({ // top : $(".dating").height() - $(".navs").height() - $(".navs").css("top").replace("px", ""), bottom : bottom, left : left // width : $(".detail").offset().left - $(".dating").offset().left }).show('fast', function() { setTimeout(function(){ $("div.msg").hide('slow'); }, 4000); }); } // 显示右侧详细信息窗口 // show: true 显示, false 隐藏 function showDetail(show) { if (show) { $(".detail").css({ left : $(".dating").offset().left + $(".dating").width() - $(".detail").width() }).show(); $(".hider").css({ left : $(".dating").offset().left + $(".dating").width() - $(".hider").width() - $(".detail").width() + 1 }); $(".hider .pointer").css({ "background-position" : "-24px -352px" }); } else { var flash = false; if (!$(".detail").is(":hidden")) { flash = true; } $(".detail").css({ left : $(".dating").offset().left + $(".dating").width() }).hide(); $(".hider").css({ left : $(".dating").offset().left + $(".dating").width() - $(".hider").width() + 1 }); $(".hider .pointer").css({ "background-position" : "-14px -352px" }); if (flash) flashMap(); } } // 改变窗口大小 function resize() { var width = $(window).width(); var height = $(window).height(); $(".main").height(height - $(".header").height() - $(".footer").height()); $(".dating").outerHeight(height - $(".header").height() - $(".footer").height()); $(".info").outerHeight($(".dating").height() - $(".search").outerHeight()); if ($(".info .inner").outerHeight() > $(".info").innerHeight()) { $(".info").css({ "overflow-y" : "scroll" }); } else { $(".info").css({ "overflow-y" : "hidden" }); } $(".navs").css({ "top" : $(".dating").offset().top + 28 }); $(".detail").css({ "top" : $(".dating").offset().top }); $(".actions").css({ "bottom" : $(".footer").height() + 120 }); $(".hider").css({ "top" : $(".dating").offset().top + ($(".dating").height() - $(".hider").height()) / 2 }); } // 绑定楼层图点击效果 function bindLevel() { var mapbase = levelConfig[0].mapbase; var level1 = $("div.map img.map_7_0"); var level2 = $("div.map img.map_6_0"); switch (level) { case 0: case "0": break; case 3: case "3": level1 = $("div.map img.map_1_0"); level2 = $("div.map img.map_0_0"); break; default: return; } level1.unbind("click").click(function() { if (canClick) changeLevel(1); }).mouseenter(function(e){ $(this).css("cursor", "pointer"); if (level == 0) { $(this).attr("src", mapbase + "map_7_0_1.jpg"); } var top = $(this).offset().top; var left = $(".hider").offset().left; showWinBox("公积金中心一楼办事大厅", "公积金中心一楼办事大厅可办理业务咨询、业务预审、医疗、工伤、信息维护及缴费等业务", 1, top, left, true); $("div.win").unbind("mouseover"); $("div.map").unbind("mouseout,mouseleave"); }).mouseleave(function(){ if (level == 0) { $(this).attr("src", mapbase + "map_7_0.jpg").css("cursor", "grab"); } hideWinBox(); }); level2.unbind("click").click(function() { if (canClick) changeLevel(2); }).mouseenter(function(e){ $(this).css("cursor", "pointer"); if (level == 0) { $(this).attr("src", mapbase + "map_6_0_1.jpg"); } var top = $(this).offset().top; var left = $(".hider").offset().left; showWinBox("公积金中心二楼办事大厅", "公积金中心二楼办事大厅可办理区外转出转入、出国一次性提取、财务收缴支出、社会化服务、缴费稽核及投诉等业务", 1, top, left, true); $("div.win").unbind("mouseover"); $("div.map").unbind("mouseout,mouseleave"); }).mouseleave(function(){ $(this).css("cursor", "grab"); if (level == 0) { $(this).attr("src", mapbase + "map_6_0.jpg"); } hideWinBox(); }); } // 刷新地图位置 function flashMap() { var oX = $("div.map").css("left").replace("px", ""); var oY = $("div.map").css("top").replace("px", ""); flashMapXY(oX, oY, true); } function flashMapXY(oX, oY, animate, callback) { if ($("img.map").length == 0) return; var imgLeftMax = - $("img.map").eq(0).css("left").replace("px", ""); var imgTopMax = - $("img.map").eq(0).css("top").replace("px", ""); var infoWidth = $(".detail").width(); //$("div.content").is(":hidden") ? 0 : $("div.content").outerWidth(); if ($(".detail").is(":hidden")) infoWidth = 0; var imgLeftMin = imgLeftMax - ($("img.map").width() * cols - $("div.dating").width() + infoWidth); var imgTopMin = imgTopMax - ($("img.map").height() * rows - $("div.dating").height()); switch (oX) { case "left": oX = imgLeftMin; break; case "right": oX = imgLeftMax; break; case "center": oX = (imgLeftMax + imgLeftMin) / 2; break; default: oX = oX < imgLeftMin ? imgLeftMin : oX; oX = oX > imgLeftMax ? imgLeftMax : oX; break; } switch (oY) { case "top": oY = imgTopMax; break; case "bottom": oY = imgTopMin; break; case "center": oY = (imgTopMax + imgTopMin) / 2; break; default: oY = oY < imgTopMin ? imgTopMin : oY; oY = oY > imgTopMax ? imgTopMax : oY; break; } hideWins(); if (animate) { $("div.map").animate({ "left" : oX + "px", "top" : oY + "px" }, 'fast', function(){ flashWins(); if (callback && $.isFunction(callback)) callback(); }); } else { $("div.map").css({ "left" : oX + "px", "top" : oY + "px" }); if (callback && $.isFunction(callback)) callback(); } } // 放大缩小函数 // (x, y)缩放中心坐标,rate缩放比率 // num: 缩放次数 function zoom(x, y, curRate, callback) { hideWins(); $(".dating img.map").each(function(n) { var t = $(this).offset().top; var l = $(this).offset().left; var offsetX = $("div.map").offset().left; var offsetY = $("div.map").offset().top; var top = t - offsetY - (y - t) * (curRate - 1); var left = l - offsetX - (x - l) * (curRate - 1); $(this).animate({ height : $(this).height() * curRate, width : $(this).width() * curRate, top : top, left : left }, 'fast', function(){ if (n == $(".dating img.map").length - 1) { flashMap(); if (callback && $.isFunction(callback)) callback(); } }); }); } // 缩小 function zoomIn(x, y, callback) { zoomRate--; if (zoomRate < levelConfig[level].minRate) { zoomRate = levelConfig[level].minRate; showMsg("已是最小比率,无法再缩小"); return; } zoom(x, y, 1/rate, callback); } function zoomInMax(x, y, callback) { var zoomNum = levelConfig[level].minRate - zoomRate; if (zoomNum) { zoomRate = levelConfig[level].minRate; var curRate = Math.pow(rate, zoomNum); zoom(x, y, curRate, callback); } else if (callback && $.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } } // 放大 function zoomOut(x, y, callback) { zoomRate++; if (zoomRate > levelConfig[level].maxRate) { zoomRate = levelConfig[level].maxRate; showMsg("已是最大比率,无法再放大"); return; } zoom(x, y, rate, callback); } function zoomOutMax(x, y, callback) { var zoomNum = levelConfig[level].maxRate - zoomRate; if (zoomNum) { zoomRate = levelConfig[level].maxRate; var curRate = Math.pow(rate, zoomNum); zoom(x, y, curRate, callback); } else if (callback && $.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } } var curWinid = -1; function showWinDetail(winid) { if (winid != curWinid) { curWinid = winid; $.ajax({ url : winUrl + "?random=" + new Date().getTime(), data : {"id" : winid}, dataType : "json", method : "post", success : function(data){ if (!data.result) { return; } var window = data.bean; var room = $("div.info div.inner div.room"); $("h3.title", room).text(window.windowposition + "楼" + window.windowname.substring(0, 1) + "区" + window.windowname + "窗口"); $("p.summary", room).text(window.summary ? window.summary : ""); // 业务 var yewus = data.array; var bus = $("dl.business", room); $("dd, dt", bus).remove(); if (yewus && yewus.length != 0) { for (var b in yewus) { var yw = "
"; yw += (parseInt(b) + 1) + ". " + yewus[b].ywname + "
"; yw += "
当前等候人数" + (yewus[b].waitNum ? yewus[b].waitNum : 0) + "
"; $(bus).append(yw); } bus.show(); } else { bus.append("
").show(); } showInfo("room"); }, error : function(data) { alert(data.msg); } }); } else { showInfo("room"); } } var curYwid = -1; function showYwDetail(ywid) { if (ywid != curYwid) { curYwid = ywid; $.ajax({ url : detailUrl + "?random=" + new Date().getTime(), data : {"id" : ywid}, dataType : "json", method : "post", success : function(data, status){ if (data.result != 1) { alert(data.description); } else { var json = data.bean; // 基本信息、政策、指南、下载、在线办理 var zzxD = ["bs", "zc", "zn", "xz", "ol"]; for (var i in zzxD) { json[zzxD[i]] = new Array(); } for (var i in json.yewudetail) { var detail = json.yewudetail[i]; var obj = new Object(); obj.name = detail.title; obj.url = detail.info; var zzx = zzxD[detail.status]; json[zzx].push(obj); } var ywinfo = $("div.info div.inner div.ywinfo"); $("h3.title", ywinfo).text(json.ywname); // 政策、指南、下载 var zcznxz = ["zc", "zn", "xz"]; for (var i in zcznxz) { var dl = $("dl." + zcznxz[i], ywinfo); if (json[zcznxz[i]] && json[zcznxz[i]].length != 0) { var ul = $("ul", dl); ul.empty(); for (var zi in json[zcznxz[i]]) { ul.append("
  • " + json[zcznxz[i]][zi].name + "
  • "); } dl.show(); } else { dl.hide(); } } // 在线办理 if (json.ol && json.ol.length != 0) { $("a.online", ywinfo).attr("href", json.ol[0].url).show(); } else { $("a.online", ywinfo).hide(); } showInfo("ywinfo"); bindWinLocate(); } }, error : function(data) { alert(data.msg); } }); } else { showInfo("ywinfo"); } } // 刷新窗口位置 var winOffsetX = 0; var winOffsetY = 0; function flashWins() { if (wins) { var windows = $("div.windows"); windows.empty(); hideWins(); windows.offset($("img.map_0_0").offset()); var curRate = Math.pow(rate, zoomRate) // var areawins = $("ul.area_wins").empty(); for (var win in wins) { if (wins[win].windowposition != level) { continue; } var window = wins[win]; var winTop = parseInt(wins[win].yinfo) * curRate - 10; var winLeft = parseInt(wins[win].xinfo) * curRate - 10; var leftMin = $(".dating").offset().left - windows.offset().left; var topMin = $(".dating").offset().top - windows.offset().top; var leftMax = leftMin + $(".dating").width() - 40; if (!$(".detail").is(":hidden")) { leftMax -= $(".detail").width(); } var topMax = topMin + $(".dating").height() - 20; if (winTop > topMin && winLeft > leftMin && winTop < topMax && winLeft < leftMax) { windows.append('
    ' + window.windowname + '
    '); // areawins.append('
  • ' // + window.windowposition + "楼" // + window.windowname.substring(0, 1) + "区" // + window.windowname + "窗口" + '
  • '); } } showWins(); bindWins(); // if ($("li", areawins).length == 0) { // areawins.append('
  • 当前区域内无办事窗口
  • '); // } else { // bindAreaWins(); // } // if ($(".info .inner").outerHeight() > $(".info").innerHeight()) { // $(".info").css({ // "overflow-y" : "scroll" // }); // } else { // $(".info").css({ // "overflow-y" : "hidden" // }); // } //bindWinLocate(); } } function hideWins() { $("div.windows").css("visibility", "hidden"); } function showWins() { $("div.windows").css("visibility", "visible"); } function bindAreaWins() { $("ul.area_wins li").css({ "cursor" : "pointer" }).mouseover(function(){ $(this).css({ "color" : "red" }); $("div.window[value=" +$(this).attr("alt")+ "]").addClass("winhover"); }).mouseout(function(){ $(this).css({ "color" : "black" }); $("div.window[value=" +$(this).attr("alt")+ "]").removeClass("winhover"); }).click(function() { var winid = $(this).attr("alt"); showWinDetail(winid); }); } // 鼠标滑动窗口时,浮现层显示窗口信息 // top, left:相对页面左上角的坐标 function showWinBox(title, summary, yewus, top, left, alwaysshow) { $("div.win h3.title").text(title); $("div.win p.summary").text(summary ? summary : ""); $("div.win ul.bussiness").empty(); if (yewus == 1) { $("div.win dl").hide(); } else if (yewus && yewus.length != 0) { for (var b in yewus) { $("div.win ul.bussiness").append("
  • " + yewus[b].ywname + "
  • "); } $("div.win dl").show(); } else { $("div.win ul.bussiness").append("
  • 该窗口暂不办理中心业务
  • "); $("div.win dl").show(); } // 转换成相对显示区域dating左上角的坐标 top -= $(".dating").offset().top; left -= $(".dating").offset().left; top = top < 0 ? 0 : top; left = left < 0 ? 0 : left; var detailWidth = 0; if (!$(".detail").is(":hidden")) { detailWidth = $(".detail").width(); } if (left + $(".win").width() > $(".dating").width() - detailWidth) { left -= $(".win").width() + 2; } else { left += 2; } if (top + $(".win").height() > $(".dating").height()) { top -= $(".win").height() + 2; } else { top += 2; } $("div.win").css({ "top" : top, "left" : left }).show(); if (!alwaysshow) { $("div.win").mouseover(function(){ if (yewus != 1) { hideWinBox(); } }); $("div.map").unbind("mouseout").mouseout(hideWinBox); $("div.map").unbind("mouseleave").mouseleave(hideWinBox); $("div.detail, div.header, div.footer").unbind("mouseover").mouseover(hideWinBox); } } function hideWinBox() { bShowWinBox = false; $("div.win").hide(); } function bindWins() { // 办事窗口信息提示窗口 $("div.window").mouseenter(function(e) { $(".dating").css({ "cursor" : "pointer" }); $(this).addClass("winhover"); // 获取窗口信息 var winid = $(this).attr("value"); bShowWinBox = true; $.ajax({ url : winUrl + "?random=" + new Date().getTime(), data : {"id" : winid}, dataType : "json", method : "post", success : function(json){ if (!json.result) { return; } var window = json.bean; var yewus = json.array; if (bShowWinBox) { if (!yewus && window.windowid >= 14 && window.windowid <= 23) { showWinBox(window.windowposition + "楼" + window.windowname.substring(0, 1) + "区" + window.windowname + "窗口", "银行业务窗口", 1, e.clientY, e.clientX); } else if (!yewus && window.windowid >= 58 && window.windowid <= 66) { showWinBox(window.windowposition + "楼" + window.windowname.substring(0, 1) + "区" + window.windowname + "窗口", "自助服务窗口", 1, e.clientY, e.clientX); } else { showWinBox(window.windowposition + "楼" + window.windowname.substring(0, 1) + "区" + window.windowname + "窗口", window.summary, yewus, e.clientY, e.clientX); $("div.win").unbind("mouseleave").mouseleave(function (){ $(this).hide(); }); } } }, error : function(data) { } }); }).mouseleave(function() { $("div.win").hide(); $(".dating").css({ "cursor" : "grab" }); $(this).removeClass("winhover"); }).click(function() { showWinDetail($(this).attr("value")); showDetail(true); }); } var backArray = new Array(); var curr = ""; function showInfo(name, nopush) { $("div.inner div." + name).show().siblings().hide(); bind(name); curr = name; backArray.push(name); resize(); } function back() { var name = backArray.pop(); while(curr == name) name = backArray.pop(); showInfo(name); } // 绑定info事件 function bind(name) { switch(name) { case "winlist": backArray = new Array();//.fill(); break; case "room": bindRoom(true); break; case "result": bindResult(); backArray = new Array();//.fill(); break; case "ywinfo": bindYwInfo(true); break; default: break; } } function bindResult() { $("div.result dl.yw01").unbind("hover").hover(function(){ $(this).css({ "background" : "#fff0ed" }); }, function(){ $(this).css({ "background-color" : "white" }); 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